did not know what to expect going into this clinic. I was told we were doing
Showmanship at Halter, Western Pleasure/Horsemanship, English Pleasure/Equitation,
and Bareback Pleasure. I decided to bring Winchester, my 3-year-old Quarter
Horse, just to get him out of the yard. I am not planning on showing him in
pleasure but I thought it would be fun.
morning started out with halter. I have never worked on halter with him so was
just kind of there. He learned to square and pivot within an hour.
we did Western Pleasure and Horsemanship. The biggest thing we improved on was
collection. I have taught him to collect at home but never made him stay collected
the whole time I was riding him. But I needed to improve my slow lope.
western there was English. I have never ridden Winchester in English before;
heck, I ride English like 4 times a year and that is it. I was a little nervous
but saddled up and rode anyway. The clinician told me that Winchester is such a
good mover. She also said he could be a dressage horse; I bragged about that
compliment for the rest of the day. Haha! English went well and I learned a lot
about my seat and hand placement.
last thing was bareback. Bareback was just plain fun. Feet position is really
important, along with a good seat.
am super glad I want to this clinic. My young horse listened well and I learned
a ton! I would definitely go again.