Thursday, February 4, 2016

Keenos Birthday

Instead of writing an informational post today, I am going to ask a question. Keeno’s 1st birthday is next Saturday. What would you do to celebrate your 1st horse’s 1st birthday?

Keeno told me his birthday wish list.
  • ·      At the top of the list is a Pat Parelli halter and lead.
  • ·      Next, he would like to get his hormones under control. (The vet has been scheduled.)
  • ·      Lastly, he wants to train me (Aaron) to give more treats for less effort.

I am exited to read all the ideas that come galloping in.


  1. I vote for more treats!!! Lol this year has flown by...thanks Aaron for all your love and devotion to this little/ big guy🐴

  2. Happy Birthday Keeno....Aka Lucky. I remember when you were born @ my farm like it was yesterday on one of the coldest nights of the year. My wish for you has come true that you are deeply loved. Looks like Aaron is taking great care of you. That is all I wish for the horses that have been in my life.

  3. Happy birthday from leah and princess

  4. Mix grain and molasses to make frosting. Happy birthday keeno
